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My name is Charlie, and it is my primary objective to coach, support, educate and champion children with ADHD 



All About Me

As a professional ADHD coach, my passion is to aid children to navigate through childhood, finding their paths, whilst discovering their own unique and individual directions. I am a fiercely compassionate advocate for others, and I strongly believe that there is no place for the term ‘disorder’ when it comes to ADHD  – it is a brain difference. Here was born the term ‘brilliant brains work differently’.


My drive to support children comes from a strong belief in early intervention. Sadly, the general way of the modern world is not get geared for neurodivergent children – metrics, testing and system requirements can leave a child with ADHD believing they are not good enough, that they are too forgetful, too lazy, too slow, too loud, being told they move too much. I work with children to reframe the negative words that have landed on their ears, the negative self talk that creeps in at an early age, often unnoticed.  My biggest goal is to ensure is that every child has a full appreciation of their strengths, and understanding that sometimes things maybe a little harder but a firm belief that harder is ok. Together we will find a solution to calm the waves and the feeling of chaos.


Personal life experiences have afforded me an understanding of the difficulties children struggling with ADHD face. My own insights aligned with the training with International Coach Training Centre has provided me a strong platform of knowledge and compassion to help support other families. 


Professionally, my career has spanned a background in youth services, restorative justice, adoption and fostering services, and more recently education services. I have studied towards a counselling diploma, and most recently have completed and accredited as an ADHD Coach with the International Coaching Federation.


My mission is to help your child understand their ADHD, understand how ADHD uniquely moulds them, and to work alongside your child to identify their strengths so that together we can then create lasting strategies to empower and build confidence.  


Click below to book a free 30 minute consultation to get to know me a little and explain just how I can move your child forward in their journey.

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